Cloth Doll Explorations: Cats and Bunnies

After my first attempt at doll making I tried to design something from my own. I picked up the figure of a cat and a bunny, and humanize them a little bit, so they could have legs and arms attached to a long body, but still they were going to keep their animal features as much as I could.
Despues de mi primer intento en la contruccion de munecas trate de disenar algo propio, asi que escogi la figura de un gato y de un conejo, los humanice un poco para que tuvieran piernas y brazos  cosidos a un cuerpo un poco mas largo. Sin embargo trate de que mantuvieran sus rasgos animales lo mas que se pudiera.
When they were finished I looked at them thinking that they should have something extra, so I thought of the sea and what it means to live in a town like New London, Connecticut. Then I started designing some life preservers and painted on the cats and bunnies an antique style sailor t-shirt.
Cuando los termine y los mire pense que deberian tener algo extra, asi que me inspire en en mar y en el pueblo donde vivo, New London Connecticut. Basado en esto empece a disenar unos salvavidas y les pinte una playera de marinero estilo antiguo.
New London Connecticut was a former whaling town, and there is a lot of imagery and inspiration about the theme, also one finds the same feeling in the neighbor town of Mystic, home of the Mystic Seaport Museum. But this is going to be the main theme of another blog, thanks for your visit and have a nice day!

Veran, New London Connecticut fue un pueblo ballenero, y hay mucho material e inspiracion acerca del tema, asimismo en el vecino Mystic, donde se puede visitar el Museo del Mystic Seaport. Pero ese sera el tema de otro blog, gracias por su visita y que tengan un buen dia!!!!