
Self portrait as tehuana, or Diego in my thoughts

Autorretrato como tehuana o Diego en mis pensamientos, Frida Kalho, 1943 This particular portrait is among my favorites, Frida’s work reveals maturity and mastery of the medium, we have to remember she was a self made artist, who learned from experience rather than instructors or formal education. Often she followed her husband’s technical advice, later …

Self portrait as tehuana, or Diego in my thoughts Read More »

Self portrait with thorn necklace and dead hummingbird

Self portrait with thorn necklace and dead hummingbird/Autorretrato con collar  de espinas y colibri muertoFrida Kalho, 1940 This painting is very impressing, it talks about Frida facing divorce, loneliness, and physical pain; later she remarried Diego Rivera in December 1940. Also is one of very few where she paints herself in frontal position, most of …

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Frida Kalho, the second chapter

I went back to make Frida dolls, but this time they shrunk! Frida is now 3 inches tall, join me in the making of mini Frida, as well as I share the previews of other mini dolls such as Alice in Wonderland, and Coraline doll. Making different dolls at the same time was lots of …

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Las dos Fridas

They are my more recent dolls, based on the original painting by Frida Kalho “The two Fridas”. Join me in the journey… Ellas son mis munecas mas recientes, basadas en la pintura original de Frida Kalho “Las dos Fridas”. Acompanenme en la jornada que me llevo a realizarlas… This painting was the root of my …

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