I learned to use the sewing machine and basic handcraft skills at my mother’s sewing workshop. She used to have a production of 300 coats a week.
But it was very different to make dolls. It was new for me, and I decided to purchase some patterns via online; after looking for a pretty, interesting doll, I chose the designs of a very well known artist, Maureen Mills, from Sweet Meadows Farm.
I got “Too many cats” and “Ice scream, U scream!”, these dolls were really wonderful, and I was just crazy for making them. There were a lot of good techniques in these patterns, since I did not have idea about coffee stained muslin, vintage buttons or the use of acrylic painting for decorating! Yes, I acted like a cave girl.
Aprendi a usar la maquina de coser y los conocimientos basicos en manualidades en el taller de costura de mi mama, quien tenia una produccion semanal de 300 chamarras.
Sin embargo iba a ser muy diferente hacer munecas, era algo nuevo para mi y decidi comprar patrones via internet, despues de buscar disenos que fueran interesantes y bonitos, me decidi por las creaciones de una artista bien conocida, Maureen Mills, de Sweet Meadows Farm.
Escogi “Too many cats” (Demasiados gatos) y “Ice scream, U scream!” (unas ninas con helados muy padres). Las munecas me parecieron encantadoras y me moria de ganas por empezarlas. Encontre bastantes tecnicas en esos patrones, la verdad es que no tenia ni idea de que se trataba manchar la muselina con cafe para dar coloracion a la “piel” de la muneca, ni de botones de estilo antiguo, ni del uso de pintura acrilica para decorar. Si, lo reconozco, actue como nina recien salida de la era de las cavernas.
I followed every step, and there you have some pictures of the process…
Segui paso a paso las instrucciones…
It was too much fun all of the process after the pieces were dry: Arms and legs stitched to bodies, embroidered face, painted eyes.
Fue super divertido todo el proceso despues de que se secaron las piezas: Coser los brazos y piernas, bordar las caras, pintar los ojos.
These girls were big! 23 inches tall. After I sewn the legs I could not believe how much they grew. Also I discovered that painting the red and white strips is very therapeutic.
Estas ninas estaban mas grandes de lo que me imagine! 59 cm de altura. Despues de que les cosi las piernas no pude creer cuanto crecieron. Tambien descubri que pintar calcetas rayadas es muy terapeutico.
After I got to make the dresses, and I thanked my mother for all of her teaching.
Despues me puse a hacerles los vestidos, y agradeci a mi mama por todo lo que me enseno.
It was exciting to see how they were changing…
Que interesante fue ver como iban cambiando…
These girls were already big, now with the dress, underskirt, and bloomers they seemed huge… But cute.
Estas ninas de por si eran altas, ahora con el vestido, la falda y los calzones se veian enormes… Pero encantadoras.
The last step was the hair, it took me two days finish their hairdos, but at the end the whole experience it was rewarding.
I could not believe all of the details that I still had to do, in the beginning it seemed to fast, but it was like building a house, just when you think you are finished, it takes double time to get done those little details.
No podia creer todos los detalles que aun faltaban, al principio parecia que todo iba muy rapido, pero fue como construir una casa, justo cuando uno piensa que ya esta terminada, acabar con los detalles toma el doble de tiempo.
I still had to do these funny cats. My son loved to throw them all around the house.
Todavia tenia que terminar los gatos. Mi hijo estaba feliz aventandolos por toda la casa.
At the end of this new adventure of making dolls I was really pleased, and eager to make more. These are the final pictures of my first dolls.